Is it ok not to upgrade windows 10 to 11?

Is it ok not to upgrade windows 10 to 11?

Is it ok not to upgrade windows 10 to 11? Many people ask just this question with the new controversial version of Windows out. For some, it’s a matter of laziness. For others, it’s about compatibility. Some couldn’t upgrade, even if they wanted to. Find out if it’s OK to stick to Windows 10 for … Read moreIs it ok not to upgrade windows 10 to 11?

How to get old versions of apps without getting a virus

how to get old versions of apps without getting a virus

How to get old versions of apps without getting a virus? Sometimes you need a specific version of a program to get the job done. Or you have an old computer with an old Windows on it. Whatever your use case, you need old apps, preferably clean and safe. Why would you want to downgrade … Read moreHow to get old versions of apps without getting a virus

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