What if Windows becomes open-source?

What if Windows becomes open-source?


What if Windows becomes open source? Windows is the world’s most popular computer operating system and has been a closed-source platform since it was released in 1985. But what would happen if Windows went open source? In this article, we’ll discuss how PC manufacturers could benefit from open-source Windows and the potential impacts of a switch to an open-source operating system.

Pros of Open-Source Windows

Increased Customisation Possibilities

One of the major benefits of open source is the increased customization possibilities. As open-source software, Windows’ code would be publicly accessible, allowing PC manufacturers to create their own versions of the operating system according to the specifics of their system and its components. This could lead to better performance and increased reliability as the manufacturer would be able to make more precise optimizations for their device.

More Freedom for End Users

The open-source ecosystem also provides more freedom for end users, as they don’t have to use the pre-bundled software offered by their device manufacturer. With open source, users will be able to get the exact software they need and customize their operating system according to their preferences.

Broader Reach

The openness of an open-source platform also means that the operating system can be spread and used more widely, potentially reaching people who wouldn’t have been able to use Windows otherwise due to the cost or availability.

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Could PC Manufacturers Optimize Customized Versions of Windows?

Better Performance and Reliability

Yes, PC manufacturers could optimize their own versions of Windows to provide better performance and reliability for their systems. For instance, they could tweak the software in order to get the most out of their hardware, making their system more efficient than the standard Windows version.

User Interface Customization

Since they have access to the code, PC manufacturers can also customize the Windows user interface to suit the design of their systems or to create a unique look and feel. This type of customization allows the manufacturer to create devices with unique, eye-catching designs that stand out in the market.

Compatibility with Components

The open-source nature of Windows would also allow manufacturers to customize the software in order to make it compatible with their own components and peripherals. With the open-source code, they can easily make adjustments or add new features that are specific to their hardware.


The switch to open source has the potential to revolutionize the world of Windows, offering PC manufacturers more options for customizing their systems and giving users more freedom to customize their experience. Of course, there are still a number of questions left unanswered, such as how Microsoft would handle the transition, but overall the move to an open source platform could bring a world of opportunities to PC manufacturers and computer users alike.

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