How do I fix website infections and get rid of malware?

How do I fix website infections and get rid of malware?

How do I fix website infections and get rid of malware? Every WordPress website owner needs to learn the fine art of cleaning up an infected website, preventing infections and keeping hackers at bay. Read this article to learn how. What is WordPress malware? WordPress malware is malicious software which adds a backdoor to your … Read moreHow do I fix website infections and get rid of malware?

How to get old versions of apps without getting a virus

how to get old versions of apps without getting a virus

How to get old versions of apps without getting a virus? Sometimes you need a specific version of a program to get the job done. Or you have an old computer with an old Windows on it. Whatever your use case, you need old apps, preferably clean and safe. Why would you want to downgrade … Read moreHow to get old versions of apps without getting a virus

A virus made all .exe files 0kb. How can I recover them?

Computer virus

A virus made all .exe files 0kb. How can I recover them? This is an interesting question with a simple, straightforward answer. Here is how to recover from a virus in Windows with the help of Linux. Before you attempt a recovery, make sure your computer is clean from infection. Checkout the programs in my … Read moreA virus made all .exe files 0kb. How can I recover them?

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