Why is Linux not an OS? Why is Linux not considered an OS?

Why is Linux not an OS? Why is Linux not considered an OS?

Introduction: Why is Linux not an OS? Why is Linux not considered an OS? Linux is often⁢ misunderstood as an operating‌ system ‌(OS), ‌while it is actually⁤ a kernel that ​forms the core⁣ component of numerous ‌operating systems derived from it. Developed ​by Linus ⁢Torvalds in 1991, Linux has gained immense popularity and‌ become the … Read moreWhy is Linux not an OS? Why is Linux not considered an OS?

What is the reason behind Microsoft not releasing its software as open source?

What is the reason behind Microsoft not releasing its software as open source?

What is the reason behind Microsoft not releasing its software as open source? Microsoft, one of the leading software companies in the world, has gained⁢ immense popularity and⁣ success through its proprietary software offerings. However, some may wonder why Microsoft has not⁢ embraced​ the open source movement by ⁣releasing its software under an open source … Read moreWhat is the reason behind Microsoft not releasing its software as open source?

How fast does Windows run on a MacBook Pro?

How fast does Windows run on a MacBook Pro?

How does Windows run on a MacBook Pro? Is it comparable in speed to the native OS X or is it slower? When it comes to running Windows on a MacBook Pro, there‌ are several factors to consider. Many MacBook Pro users find themselves in situations where they need to use Windows for specific‍ software … Read moreHow fast does Windows run on a MacBook Pro?

How to Block YouTube Ads with AdGuard

How to Block YouTube Ads

How to Block YouTube Ads with AdGuard in light of YouTube’s latest crusade against ad-blockers? It’s dirt simple. Just get the AdGuard browser extension, or better yet, get the desktop app. What’s the benefit? First of all, AdGuard works with YouTube’s latest ad-blocker and second, the desktop app will continue to work even after Manifest … Read moreHow to Block YouTube Ads with AdGuard

YouTube’s Ad-blocker Conquest: The Battle Unveiled

YouTube's Ad-blocker Conquest

In⁣ a world where cat ‍videos and ​make-up ⁢tutorials reign ⁤supreme, YouTube has​ emerged as the⁢ undisputed titan of ⁤the online video⁤ realm. However, ‌this burgeoning empire has not been⁢ without its fair⁤ share of battles.​ As‌ the war between‍ content creators and ad-blockers rages on, ‌YouTube has taken up arms and embarked on a … Read moreYouTube’s Ad-blocker Conquest: The Battle Unveiled